A mild Live Wanted. This is a talent scout event. This best event will be held again in 2009. In this year of 2009 it will be included about 38 cities. All of them will be grouping in 12 regions. It must be done, why? Because in
In the year of 2009 again A Mild will have A Mild live Wanted event. The goals is gave a chance for every new group band to participate in. They can realis his music album own. A Mild Live Wanted it self have make a reflection about his jingle “Bukan Basa Basi”. They will be going stronger event with his award. The award will gave to some new group band who they have a good chance in Indonesian Music
A Mild Live Wanted is an integral event. Beginning from sourcing, guiding and counseling, until the group band develop into a new group band. A new group band who ready to make a live show or make an album in a recording firm. At the end, the group band will be a star in Indonesian Music. This event had been held in 2007, and in these years the producers hope that this event will be success as before. We know there are many group band was born from that event.
As the year before, A Mild also holding in cooperation with many local recording firms. This recording will be a kitchen of the winner event. This year of 2008 Musica Studio’s and Trinity Optima is the winner. They get a chance from A Mild to release the group band dreaming. In a hope, the group band will have their self album record and will be famous in
A Mild Live Wanted 2007 and 2008 had a success show. They have a good and positive feed back from all audiences and press. A Mild Live Wanted event has born many group bands. Now they are exist ate in music industry of